Our Story

Hi, I'm Adi
When I was a little girl back in the eighties, growing up near Tel Aviv, Israel, my favorite thing in my room was a house-shaped wooden shelf. It was where I displayed my beautiful miniature collection. Every girl I knew had one, and we called it: The House of Miniatures.
My friends and I would rush to the local pop shop whenever we got our allowance to buy a sweet new miniature. We’d spend hours debating which one was the cutest. I was especially fond of the little porcelain animals, so I usually ended up with a new frog, dog, or piglet.
Once I got home, I couldn’t wait to rearrange my miniatures on the shelf. It was so much fun trying different setups to figure out the best way to display my little treasures.
Over the years, my collection grew, and I was really proud of it. My 'House of Miniatures' stayed on my wall well into my teenage years. Eventually, I decided I was too old for miniatures, so I packed them away in a box. As for the shelf, I have no idea what happened to it - my mom probably got rid of it during spring cleaning.

And this is Ronny
Ronny is my youngest daughter and by far the most artistic of the bunch. She's a real collector, and her collection of small 'treasures' grows every day. She sees something special in almost everything she picks up.
When she was 4, I couldn't keep up with all the little things she collected: scraps of paper, clothing tags, receipts, ribbons, rocks, beads, leaves, and flowers. She kept all these little nick-nacks in a big box.
When Ronny got older, her collection grew too: Sonny Angels, Lego figures, LOL dolls, Calico Critters, Shopkins, you name it. The collections were either stored in boxes, thrown in a drawer, or just scattered around her room.
I thought it would be much nicer if she had a special place to show off her precious finds. A shelf like the one I had when I was a child. So, I started looking for a display unit that would fit my vision: clean and elegant lines, a Nordic style look, high-quality solid wood, not bulky, and something Ronny would love to play with.
After not finding anything I liked online or in nearby shops, I decided to design the shelf myself. And that's how Lovely Little House was born.
Welcome to Lovely Little House, where we create beautiful displays for all the little treasures in your life!